Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund

Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF)

With the passage of House Bill 2017, Keep Oregon Moving, the state legislature has committed to both the improvement and enhancement of transportation services through the Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (“STIF”). For Central Oregon, this means the opportunity to enhance public transportation services to access jobs and community services, improve mobility, and relieve congestion. 

Jefferson County delegated STIF administrative activities to Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council (COIC) and is creating an advisory committee to help shape the future of public transportation. The goal of STIF advisory committees is to prioritize projects and coordinate both local and regional focused transit projects and services. Advisory committees will meet regularly throughout the year with specific dates and times to be determined.

The January 2021 STIF meeting will be held virtually on January 8 from 2 - 3:30pm. To join the meeting virtually on your computer or smartphone, click the following link:
Meeting Link
Meeting ID: 890 4654 5573
Meeting Passcode: e30XgM
If you prefer to call in by phone, please dial (253) 215-8782 and enter the Meeting ID: 890 4654 5573, followed by the Meeting Passcode: 722642.

Appointed Committee Members (and their alternates):

Emma Mae Smith 

Sam Robinson

Elaine Henderson (alternate E. Naomi Jacks)

Patrick Hanenkrat 

Andrea Breault

Kenneth Bicart 


Jefferson County Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF) Formula Fund and FTA 5310 Subrecipient Provider Application Notice (Due 11/8/22)


Jefferson County is announcing requests for Subrecipient Provider Applications for public transportation projects and services that are funded through the ODOT Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF) formula funds and FTA Section 5310 funds. STIF Subrecipient Provider Applications must be submitted by 5 pm on November 8, 2022 in accordance with the instructions and using the online form available on the Oregon Department of Transportation website at

FTA Section 5310 applications must be submitted to Jefferson County by 5 pm on November 8, 2022 using ODOT’s online form at Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council (COIC) administers the STIF Program on behalf of Jefferson County. Additional information about funding for public transportation programs can be accessed on COIC's website at  
