Officiants Responsibilities

There is no requirement for an officiant to register their ordination or ministerial certificate/license prior to performing a ceremony.  The officiant must meet the requirements under ORS 106.120

It is the responsibility of the officiant to properly complete the Application, License & Record of Marriage form (long form) and return to the Clerk's Office within in five days after the ceremony.  The "short" form stamped in red "Officiant's Copy" is to be retained by the officiant for their own record keeping.

  • Items 30-33 must be completed legibly in black or dark blue ink or typed (witnesses names must be printed; signature not required)
  • Date of marriage MUST fall within the "License Effective" and "License Expires" dates located at the top, left corner of the license
  • Item 30a - Enter the full name of the month; do not use a number or abbreviation to designate the month
  • Required information left blank will result in the delay of registering the marriage with the County and the State of Oregon

To reference the Oregon Revised Statutes (Chapter 106), visit the Oregon State Legislature website here:

Please refer to the Important Notice to Officiant document for more information.
