The Bridges in Jefferson County

Picture of the Crooked River Bridge on Jordan Road

Jefferson County has 36 Bridges on the National Bridge Inventory (bridges over 20’ in length). The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) is responsible for inspecting Jefferson County’s bridges using the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS). This process involves teams of trained ODOT bridge inspectors who conduct regular, thorough evaluations of the structural integrity and safety of bridges throughout the state.

During an inspection, the team will use various methods to evaluate the condition of the bridge, including visual examination, measurement, and testing. They will examine the bridge's deck, superstructure, and substructure, looking for signs of wear, deterioration, or damage. They may use specialized equipment, such as cameras, sonar devices, and laser scanning tools, to examine the bridge from various angles and identify any potential issues.

The team will also collect samples of materials, such as concrete and steel, for further analysis in a laboratory. Based on the findings of the inspection, the team will provide a report that includes any recommended repairs, maintenance, or bridges recommended  to be posted for load restrictions. The frequency of inspections varies depending on the type of bridge and its condition. The inspections are done in line with FHWA NBIS guidelines.

Jefferson County Public Works has a Bridge Preservation and Maintenance program that focuses on preventing deterioration and preserving the structural integrity of bridges. This program includes measures such as regular cleaning, painting, and evaluating deck replacement, as well as more extensive rehabilitation or replacement projects.

For information regarding the suspended bridges at Lake Billy Chinkook please view the SUSPENDED BRIDGES AT COVE PALISADE STATE PARK POSTED FOR LOAD tab.
